
shannon kringen

seattle, wa usa
À propos

Artist Statement:
I work with cameras and paint improvisationally. I am very kinesthetic and use my whole body when I create.

In my photography, I fall in love with shape, texture and light while out wandering. I like to capture what is naturally there but in a way that abstracts it and allows the viewer to notice something new and different about ordinary physical reality. I carefully compose all my photos spontaneously as I am shooting moving the camera angle until I see what looks like a balanced, dynamic composition.

In my painting, I allow my hands to move intuitively on the canvas creating shapes and textures that feel right. I repeat patterns and choose colors from somewhere beyond my thinking mind. I am very inspired by the repeating patterns I see in nature. Plants and animals move me a great deal.

I am taping into my unconscious and go into a dream like state when I create art.

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