
Omanisa Ross ND

À propos

Omanisa is a naturopath, spiritual counsellor, healer and creative therapist who works in Darwin Australia, from her thriving home based clinic. Often booked weeks or months in advance, Omanisa is loved for her empathetic, creative, spiritual approach to healing. Omanisa works with clients throughout Australia via mediums such as skype, and runs regular workshops on topics such as meditation, spirit guides and sketching the aura.

Domaines de compétence

Omanisa specialises in emotional and spiritual well being, using her extensive understanding of aura colours, personality and the energy field to diagnose and treat. Her treatments are primarily based on counselling, mindfulness training and psychic healing, with herbs, gem elixers, flower spirit medicine and colour therapy used to support this process.

Affiliations professionnelles

International Institute of Complimentary Therapies